While the casino is very big and they often many options to gamble your money. Really your policy sucks! There is a line of 5 people and it's OK this woman takes up 2 machines on 88 fortunes (when there is only 8 in the whole place and they are very popular!) as long as she continues to hit play on both of them. A woman was playing 2 machines and I was again told too bad. After this debacle, I try to play the machines I like which I can never get on without a long wait. I am only a green card holder but my husband and I do frequent Parx. What was more frustrating was that no one cared. The value of the slot dollar didn't even cover what the online cost of the bag was. I went to speak to someone they told me they can't help me and that its a marketing department problem and that's that. I was only going for the bags as I hate Parx on weekends. We got there around 5:30pm to find out they are sold out and they would give us $65 in comp play (women told me they were there at 4pm and all sold out). My problem is this- Parx sent my husband and I an offer for a Kenneth Cole Bag. And if you love waiting around for a machine and drinks this is the place for you! My problem isn't with the comp system though I get way more in AC. 1st let me start out with Parx does give pretty good xtra play and slot dollar amounts.